Here To There - The Setting


Episode Structure

The size of a commuter ferry allows the action to occur in several key locations:

  • The Main Cabin, a large seating area where the bulk of the passengers gather.

  • The Galley, another large area, complete with food service.

  • Andrew & Casey’s Office, off limits to passengers, a place to take a breather.

  • The Car Deck, some passengers choose to remain with their cars.

galley 3.jpg

All are shot on normal sound stages. On occasion, scenes take place on the outer decks, the ferry terminal and the Port Office. These are recurring swing sets.

The episodes are structured to take place in the 30-minute crossing, either the morning cross going to Seattle or the evening cross returning to Bainbridge Island. The daily commuters are joined by people of all ages from all walks of life, bringing their own special crazy on board. The crew members interact with each other and passengers in different parts of the ferry, but the core of the show occurs within the four locations above.

The episodes are designed with three plotlines of equal importance. Such a structure allows the main characters to engage with different people each episode. The main characters do not just deal with each other; often they find themselves involved with a character who is just passing through.